
Multimedia adv 2016-17

Answers to test questions - HERE THEY ARE :)

After completing the Clone Stamp Tool review you will combine no less than four images to create you own surreal image ( dream-like image)

The work of Jerry Uelsmann

Create your own images showing understanding of the surreal devices.

Surreal device - Scale (wrong size relationship)

Demonstrate your understanding of the surreal devices using Photoshop and Mr. Joe.  Make an illustration showing each of these surreal devices:

You may use backgrounds from the internet and you may use the 'Mr. Joes' provided below.

Scale - Wrong size relationship
Transformation - Morphing or changing from one thing to another
Dislocation - In the wrong place

Surrealism was an art movement exploring the idea of making art that represented the subsconcious mind and the "dreamlike" image. 

After exploring some of the art and the surreal devices you will create your own surreal image.

1. Find an image by each of the following artists on the internet and place in a folder.
Frida Kahlo
Salvador Dali
Jerry Uelsman

2. Find an image that represents each of the surreal devices and place in a folder.

These are the surreal devices:
Scale - Wrong size relationship
Transformation - Morphing or changing from one thing to another
Dislocation - In the wrong place
Levitation - Floating or flying

The following paintings by Magritte illustrate these surreal devices.




. Use an image as a background and make a stick figure to create a surreal image that represents each of the surreal devices.  Here is an example to get you started:

This image represents levitation.

Jerry Uelsmann. Born 1934.  He is an American Surrealist.  His medium is photography. To full appreciate his work it is good to understand that he created his images in a darkroom before the invention of computers and programs like Photo Shop. 



There are many jobs in Photography.  There are entry level jobs, jobs that pay well and opportunities for those that like the idea of starting your own business.  Photography is also a very competitive field. You must have a passion for the craft and have some training to be successful.

Learn about the different kinds of photography jobs. See some examples and then gain a bit of experience by trying out two of the different kinds of photography.  You will show off your work by compiling your photographs as an imovie.

1. Make a list of the different jobs in photography. Here they are: Submit list on paper provided.
Portrait Photographer: Focusing on the face and human expression
Product Photographer: Things for sale
Fashion Photographer: Dress and costume
Wedding Photographer: Photograph the wedding event
School Photographer: Take portraits of students and photos of events
Sports Photographer: Focus on the action shot.
Forensic Photographer: Recording visual information at a crime scene
Photojournalist: To tell a historical story with photography.
Fine Arts Photographer: landscape, figure, abstract.  Photographs taken for the Art value.

Note: This list is incomplete

2. Match the word to the example:  Do this by creating a Goog Doc and submit as last-first-match

  • Portrait
  • Fashion
  • Photojournalist
  • Wedding
  • Forensic
  • Product
  • Fine Arts Photographer
  • Sports Photographer
  • School Photographer


3. Watch the videos (  -  2  ). Try your hand at Portrait Photography in the studio (On the stool) x2 pics, and then Product Photography in the lab (at the black tables) x2 pics.
Do this step with a partner.  It’s more fun that way!

4. Show off your pics as an imovie.  The imovie will be like this:
title clip – Photography Careers by YouName
title clip – These are my Product Photos + any comment you would like to make.
Image – Product Photo 1
Image – Product Photo 2
Title clip – These are my Studio Portraits  + any comment you would like to make.
Image – Portrait Photo 1
Image – Portrait Photo 2
Save your movie as an mp4 to your desktop to be collected on flashdrive. Save as last-first-photo-jobs

One class period.
40 points possible

30 points to follow directions and complete all steps
5 points if you think you stayed on task and did a good job.
5 points if I think you stayed on task and did a good job.

Less 5 points for any step 1-4 not completed.
Less 5 points for off task ‘warned’

Focus and enjoy!


Create 10 custom framed  photos.  You may use any portrait or group shot, duotone or original photo taken by a class member, not stuff from the internet.

WARNING: When you select custom shapes, also select this button(marked in red below) in the options bar which is called fill pixels.

1. Open a page 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 8.5

2. Make a gradient on the background.

3. Make a layer and then use custom shapes to make interesting frames. Custom shapes is in the toolbox here(marked in red below) and then go to the options bar to pick the shape you want.

4. Draw your custom shape frame.  Use the magic wand to select the custom shape and then use Paste Into to put the photo inside the selection.

5. Add interesting captions 'Words' and use layer styles.

Make 10 and submit them as last-first-framed-1through10.

Have fun with it but get all ten done.
Here are two examples: Click for a larger image.

Design task
1. Create a design that shows you understand what a pattern is.  10 minutes.
2. A quick photography demo:

  • The problem with backlighting.  
  • Pay attention to the background.
3. Complete your 8 patterns for the pattern box.

Design task 1.
Make a page 10 x 10 inches
Make the background a very light pastel blue color, almost white.
make a bright yellow circle 4 inches in diameter
Using 4 guides show that the circle is the correct size and in the correct location.

Design task 2.
Use the completed design above and add the following to make a sign for a solar power company.
Make the yellow circle into a smiley face.
Add type.  It will say:
• San Jose Solar.
• Clean Power - Earth Friendly - Affordable Energy.

Make sure the 'San Jose Solar' part is the biggest boldest type.
Submit as last-first-sun-logo

Design task 3
On an 8.5 x 11 page make 4 cards measuring 4 X 5 inches that have the same smiley sun used above. You will reduce the size of the sun logo using command-T to fit your new card layout. 
The cards will say:
• San Jose Solar
• For a free estimate call
• 408 264- 4000
Submit as last-first-sun-estimate

Focus - Reading Instructions.

Design task 1.
Make a card for a florist or flower shop.
It is 4 x 5 inches and there are 4 of the same card on an 8.5 x 11 sheet ( see layout)
The card will have decorration and imagery  reflecitng the theme 'Flower Shop'
The card will say: 
Veronica's Flowers.
Flowers delivered to your door
Sale - 1 dozen red roses $24.99
Call  (408) 555-6372 for same day delivery.

Layout for 4x5 card '4 up'

Design task 2.
Make a business card for Veronica of Veronica's Flower Shop. It will also be four of the same card to an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
Business cards are 3.5 x 2 (see layout) The card will have some imagery - maybe a clipart flower or a flower you make.
The card will say
Veronics'a Flower Shop
(408) 555-6372
275 N. 24th street. San Jose CA.  95124
Lay out for business card '4 up'

If you have time work on finishing your Scratch Spiral Rider.  Books are on the back table.

The logo and information is provided.  Copy the three standard letterhead designs with the following two changes:  Change the font to Times , use black for the font color and make the logo a different size. 

submit as:


If they are correctly labeled you get an extra point. Oh and one has a typo. If you fix the typo you get o bonus point :-)

The image called size relationship follows a pattern.  The second logo is 1/2 the linear distance and 1/4 the area of the first.  Follow the pattern to size and place the third logo. Screenshot it and submit as last-first-size

Here it is - Copy and then add the third logo but change the color of the background


1. Complete design task "Guitar Showcase"  submit as last-first-guitar
 Use a drop shadow for Guitar, adjust tracking in the character pallet for the word Showcase and the address.  The font is Impact.
Click the image to get the big one

Use this clip art .

2. Scratch: Draw the house. Submit as last-first-draw

3. Design exercise Contrast.  Submit as last-first-contrast 


1. Path type in illustrator.

2. Build a cube in photoshop and use these images on the walls. (distort tool).

Monday 2/13

Create each of the following three banners according to specs.  Keep in mind the focus is tomake things stand out using CONTRAST and other effects.  You will be selecting one of these banners as the introduction to a movie you will create.  All banners are 8 x 3,  resolution 300.

All three designs are due by the end of the period.
Submit as last-first-war-1,2,3

Specs for "War a Documentary"
Type "War:
Arial Black
100 pt
tracking 0
Outer glow
warm red color
blend mode normal
spread 49
size 70

Type "A Documentary"
Arial Black
pt size 60
tracking 0

Type " by YourName"
same as above but size 24 pt

SPECS for War an Interview:
background - an almost black blue-violet. Darker than you might think
Type color - a pastel yellow.  A very bright warm color

Type "An Interview is:
48 pt
tracking 100

black shadow
angle 153
distance 11
spread 0
size 5

Type "War"
Same as above but change type to 100 pt.

Type " by YourName"
tracking )

SPECS for War a Commentary:
60 pt Minion Std
tracking 200
gradient pastel yellow to violet shadow

bevel and emboss (normal white light from below. - 140)
depth 300
size 2
soften 8

highlight normal 100%
shadow normal 100%

1. Type terms - Copy and submit as last-first-type

Vocabulary related to type

font family: A typeface of common design. A kind of letter.
style: The changes within a font like bold and italic.
point: A point is 1/72 of an inch.

point size: A typesetter's measurement of type.  How big the type is.

leading: The distance between lines of type also measured in points.

activity - Create an action from a written piece with Mr. Potato-head.

You must write 4 steps and then photograph 4 steps and the make it into a google slide presentation.

1. Create an academic video - 
The Life of Insects (or Arachnids)  - An imovie Report
The goal is to combine Photo Shop Skills and imovie to create an informative report.
1. Select a topic - examples:
• The life of bees
• Poisonous spiders

What will you make?

1. An outline typed in Google docs.
2. An imovie containing pics and information about your subject. The imovie will be about 2 to 5 minutes in length.

You must include
• Information that follows the outline.
• Imagery from the internet research.
• Transitions
• Sound
3.*** At least one jpeg created in photoshop combining an interesting background, pics and type formatted by YOU!

Example of Photo Shop graphic that may be used: You combine background, type and internet images.

NOTE: Information should NOT be presented as an image found in goog search consisting of words and pics combined, however you may re-create information by imitating or by placing your own images on a background in Photo Shop and then adding words.

2. Get your still shots of Mr. Potoato Head.
• Straight on
• Zoom in close
• From below
• From above

Which shot most makes Mr. Potato Head look like a strong super hero?

straight on

aerial shot

From below shooting up

Zoom in close

2. Create an academic video - The Life of Some Insect or Arachnid.


MONDAY 11/18
The Life of Insects (or Arachnids)  - An imovie Report
The goal is to combine Photo Shop Skills and imovie to create an informative report.
1. Select a topic:
• The life of bees
• Poisonous spiders

What will you make?

1. An outline typed in Google docs.
2. An imovie containing pics and information about your subject. The imovie will be about 2 to 5 minutes in length.

You must include
• Information that follows the outline.
• Imagery from the internet research.
• Transitions
• Sound
4.*** At least one jpeg created in photoshop combiningan interesting background, pics and type formatted by YOU!

NOTE: Information should NOT be presented as an image found in goog search consisting of words and pics combined, however you may re-create information by imitating or by placing your own images on a background in Photo Shop and then adding words.

Total points possible 100 for imovie and 50 for report.

Apply the  the process of repeating elements to a webpage design.

Here is a template to help you get started

Here is the webpage you will focus on.  

Here are the elements that repeat.  Imitate these elements as closely as possible.

Today is rally schedule.  
DUE The Book of Mammals - Indesign

If you are finished, complete these Illustrator projects.
Hint: Option is Copy and and command D is repeat.

Step 1. Check your neighbors work.  Does their book have a title page and six additional pages all containing the name of the animal in 36 pt Helvetica bold, a pic of the animal and the researched information.  Consider adding graphic elements (ruled lines, borders and shapes) to enhance your design.  You will have a total of 7 pages.

Step 2.    If you finish your book and have time remaining. Open a new document in indesign and name it last-first-collage.  Make a collage of your animal pics on a single right hand page to practice working with indesign images.  Dont't  forget to embed the images.  Submit a screenshot as last-first-indesign.  It would look something like this:

Adobe Indesign

Step 1:  Number pages 1 - 6  Make the number to the left and right at the bottom of the page in 12 pt helvetica bold.

2. Make pg 1 the title page: Title by your name. The title is The Book of  Mammals.
3.  Make a sub heading for the first mammal which will be an elephant. Type is 36 pt Helvetica bold.

At this point we will work with images together.  Copy the elephant to your desktop.

4. Provide some information about the elephant. The type must be 12 pt helvetica, flush left. It will go below the the image. To get the information, answer the following questions:

  • In your own words describe the animal.
  • Where in the world does the animal live?
  • What is the gestation period of this mammal?
  • What are this animals natural preditors?
  • Is this animal in danger of extinction?
  • An additional interesting fact.

An elephant is a large intelligent mammal with tusks and big ears that roams the grasslands.  Many elephants live in Africa. The gestation period for the African Elephant is a very long 22 months, just short of two years. The elephants most dangerous preditor are humans.  People kill them for their ivory tusks. The elephant is in danger of extinction because they are hunted by man. An African Elephant can weigh more than six tons. That's more than 12000 pounds.  That's a big mammal.

Repeat the process 6 times.  You will have a total of 7 pages.

Don't forget to embed your images.

Working with Indesign images - A bit different than in PhotoShop

1.   there is the SelectionTool(black) and the Direct Selection Tool.(white)

2.  Make frame according to size and placement.

3. Place the image.

4. Size and move  the image to fit the frame using the Direct Selection “becomes the hand” tool

5. Double click to finish and it goes to the Selection tool.  Drag the anchors to crop. Place the arrow inside the box to move both image and widow together.

NOTE: The direct selection tool will work as a direct selection tool does for paths if you select individual anchors.  Also the free transform button works on either the frame or the image.

*** Just remember - 
Direct selection activates the image and moves the image within the frame.

Selection activates the frame and moves the image and frame together

Make sure youv'e got the animation down for the final exam.
make frame
select last two frames (shift click)
add tweens

Try these drawings without tracing anything. Use the pen tool.  Challenge yourself by coloring them in . See examples below.

In preparation for the final, Review the following.
1. Pentool:  Draw all of the drawings from THURSDAY 12-1 upside down and purple.
2. Create the following animation. 

1. Draw with the pen tool. Drawing(s) are due at the end of the period.
2. Share pen tool skills in mini class.

  • Concentrate on these skills:
  • Tracing
  • Controlling straight convex and concave curves.
  • Duplicating paths to make a symmetrical design.
  • Making multiple paths to create a more complex drawing.

Draw 1 through six with the pen tool.  Two drawings per page.

Make the Seaside card.  HINT:  You already drew the fish.

More drawing.  The pen too and other methods.
  • Pen tool trace.
  • Magic wand trace.
  • Pen to marching ants and back again
  • Isolate parts of the image.

Pen tool review.
Draw 4 interesting symmetrical ornaments with the pen tool.  Submit for credit- 
last-first-ornament-1, 2

1. Do whatever you need to do to finish your imovie.

2. Watch your imovie with a partner. Paying special attention to legibility, sound and timing, listen to your partner's critique.  As a goog doc write the name of your partner, first and last and the critique they give you. One or two good  sentences will do.  

Example: My partners name was Bill Smith.  He said that I had some spelling errors to fix and that many of the title clips were too fast to read. The music was uneven: First it was loud and then it was soft and it ended suddenly instead of fading out.  Also my movie had no proper ending.

Now switch roles and do the critique for your partner and they can report via google doc. Share your goog doc critiques as first-last-critique

3.  Send 10 minutes play lightbot. CLICK HERE

4. Go to and sign up for an account.   While you are there play a couple of scratch games.  Soon you will be making games on the computer so remember your user name and password.

 CLICK HERE                      Have a great weekend!

Time to work on projects. - Progress check.
DUE DATE: Wednesday 11/2

FRIDAY 10-21
1. Experiment with the following fonts.  Make the font the font style, size and color listed. Experiment by writing your name.   Do your work as an 8.5x11, 300 resolution page in photoshop

  • Example: Arial , 24 pt, dark blue
  • Mr. Wrede
  • 1. Arial Black, 24 pt, dark blue.
  • 2. Lithos Pro 72 pt, red
  • 3. Helvetica, 12 pts, black
  • 4. Century Schoolbook, 36 pt, green
  • 5. Brush Script Std, 48 pt, black
  • 6. Gill Sans Ultrabold, 36 pt, blue
  • 7. Myriad Pro, 36 pt, blue
  • 8. Rockwell Extra Bold, 36 pt, blue
  • 9. Stencil, 72 pt, purple
  • 10. Zapf Dingbats, 40 pt, brown.

Answer the following questions:
  • 1. Are all type styles as easy to read as the others?
  • 2. Are Zapf Dingbats letters or symbols or ornaments?
  • 3. Refer to 6, 7 and 8. They are all 36 pt. type.  Are they all the same size?
Screenshot your work and submit it to as last-first-fonts

2.  Copy the following design. Follow the layout exactly.  You may use your own colors.

Click on the image to get the large image.
Submit your final design to classroom graphics as  last-first-mission-statement


MONDAY 10-17
How To Make ???

A short imovie demo before you begin working in groups.

1. Complete an imovie production showing how to make something. You may work as partners. 

The imovie must include all of the following:
  • The imovie must have an introduction, content and a conclusion.
  • Title clips, image clips.
  • Some live video ( We will discuss this)
  • Transitions
  • a sound track: music and or sound effects. 
  • It may or may not include a separate audio track.
NOTE: It's not about how long or short it is, it's about creating an engaging movie that clearly describes how to do something in steps. Any way you can accomplish this goal is acceptable.

2. The finished ROUGH production will be critiqued by "mini class" and will provide you with a signed group critique.

3. The imovie will be REVISED, rendered as an .mp4 video and presented to the class by you. You must also share the video with 

Reminder: You need to gather together things from home for your "How to Make ??? movie.

For today
1. In this design exercise copy the placement of words and shapes exactly.  Start with an 8x8 layout. Submit a screenshot of the finished design to Classroomgraphics@gmail, share note last-first-blue.

click for larger image. 8x8 layout

2. Create an 10 x 8 poster in PhotoShop that may be used in your how to make movie.  This poster should have imagery and a description that would be useful in the actual movie.  For example, if your movie is about how to make a paper airplane.  You might have a poster showing someone flying the plane or you might have a poster showing the different paper airplanes you know how to make.

Send a screenshot of your finished poster to

3. Work with your partner to do any planning that you can do to make further progress on your How to Make??? movie.

How t make ???

1. Submit your final project declaration "I will show how to make ______. My parter is ______.
Include a materials list ( The things I need to do my project) This will be done as a shared google doc.

Example: My project is how to make a paper airplane.  I need:
1. A piece of paper to show steps. (Vanessa is responsible for getting this)
2. imovie
3. A black table or surface to show steps ( We will move this into position together)
4.  A video camera (Jerry will sign up for the camera)
5. A tripod (Jerry is responsible for this also)

If you are showing how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich you will need different things.

2. Outline the steps you will go through on paper.  Be detailed, draw little pictures.

3. Sound demo in imovie.  

Only two groups per day  will have access to the video cameras.  You will need to sign up.

Make two signs in Photo Shop for your How To presentation.

  • The first sign will be 640 x 480 pixels with a resolution of 72.
  • It  will have a gradient background
  • The type will be centered and fill the screen.
  • Use colors with good contrast.
  • It will say:
  • How to
  • Make ???? (whatever you are making)
  • by Name and Name (if you have a partner)
  • The type will be centered.

  • The second sign will have the same specifications and will say
  • Thanks for watching
Be sure to put your signs in imovie and do "Fit" to see how they will look.

example 640 x 480 pixels 72 resolution.

1. In preparation for your How to Make Something project you will go through several practice steps.  Today make a sign in photo shop.  

• It will be 11 x 8.5, resolution 300.  
It will say How to Make _________  presented by ________ and _______. It will have imagery to show what you are doing.

2. Declare your idea in writing.

3. Using built in sight practice making a short recording.  Say whatever you like. You can say "It's a beautiful day and I feel wonderful."

If you have not submitted you product redesign labels by google drive that is your priority.  NO PROJECT REDESIGN LABELS WILL BE REFLECTED ON THE 6 WEEK PROGRESS REPORT AFTER THE END OF CLASS TODAY!

If you have finished, in preparation for the next project do the following:
1 Do a google search to find examples of 'How to build a paper airplane' in steps.  Use this site if you wish CLICK HERE.
2 Copy the steps to make a 'How To Make a Paper Airplane ' presentation of your own.  Make the presentation using Google Slides.  Use the pictures: copy and paste them to your google slides presentation.  Type the instructions in your own words.  Your presentation should be about 8 to 10 steps in length.   Feel free to add any transitions, background colors and sound effects you wish.

Be thinking about your own 'How to' production.  You will create an imovie showing how to make something.  What will that something be?  Email your idea to 

Project DUE date extended until MONDAY 9-26 end of class.

You have the entire period to finish your 10 label designs. You will receive instructions as to how you will submit your labels. 20 minutes before the end of the period.

Copy click here

1. Review advanced type feature and layer styles
2. Time to work on package design
3. Share progress - Mini-class
4. Revise designs

reminder: You must show 10 design variations in a folder.

How does your design reflect your target market?


This is the project for this grading period.  You will design a package.  The package must have a target market and the imagery must reflect the target market.  

1. Create a rough drawing or idea.  You can make this on the computer.  Anything goes so long as you put words and pictures together to describe what you are doing.  You will share your rough idea with the class.

You must declare the Size of the container by Tursday 9-8.

2. Design your package so you can print out paper and glue it to an actual container as a finished project.

Requirement:  Design a 3D package with a strong target market theme.

100 points possibe: 50 for rough ideas (development of the concept) and 50 for the finished product.

Here are some packages as examples:

Abstract Photography
1.  Look at the examples
2. Take each of the three images provide and create an abstract image using photoshop tools and filters.

Focus on the elements of art:
• shape
• value
• Color
• texture

• Curves
• hue and saturation
• posturize
• gradient map

Experiment with anything under 'Image Adjustments'
Record your moves on paper.

The goal is to create an interesting image that is about the elements of art or the 'Essence of a thing' and not the subject itself.


Here are the three objects that you must use to create abstract art.

Make a folder on your desktop and save them as  last-first-abstract1, 2, 3
Be prepared to share your work and the steps in photoshop (written on paper)



 First Day - Introduction.

- My turn
My name is Mr. Wrede.  Wrede is pronounced like READ + E (Like READ a book with a long E sound on the end)  It's an old German name.

I was born right here in San Jose in 1958. I am 58, almost 59 years old.  I grew up in a family with two brothers and no sisters.  They are Scott, my older brother and James, my younger brother. Now I am married and have children and grandchildren.

This is my seventeenth year at San Jose High.  I did not start teaching until I was 42 years old. Before that I had many jobs.  Teaching at San Jose High is my favorite job.  I might have one more job after I retire from teaching: I plan to sell nursery plants and Bees.  I like being a bee-keeper. I get honey and I think bees are very interesting little creatures. I like to study them.

- Your Turn
Open up your email, whichever email you want to use for this class.
 Start a new email and for the subject put Last Name First Name - First Day - Introduction.
Be sure to email your questions and answers to
For the message part of the email, answer the following questions: You may cut and paste the question part but answer the question as a complete sentence.  Here is an example for question number one:
1. Type your name first and last just as you want to be called.

(example) you will answer:
1. Type your name first and last just as you want to be called. (You copied and pasted this part to your email)
My name is Bill Smith (your name here of course)
Note that I did not say Bill Smith.  That is not a complete sentence.
 Okay finish the rest of the questions.

2. What grade are you in now?
3. Do you have brothers and sisters? How many?
4. Name your brothers and sisters in order from oldest to youngest.  Include yourself so it shows where you fit in.
5. How long have you lived in San Jose?
6. Where did you live before you moved here?
7. What is your favorite subject in school?
8. What is the subject you struggle with or dislike the most? Why?
9. What is your favorite TV show?
10. What is your favorite video game?
11. What is your favorite snack food?
12. What is your career goal?  If you are not sure, try to think of one job that you might like to try.

Note: Did you know my niece Rosie Katz (Wrede) That's my big brother's daughter, she worked on the team that made a famous game you all know - It's called Call of Duty.  You can see her resume here if you want.  CLICK HERE. She went to Prospect high school.  Now she is a mom and teaches  at Cogswell College.  If you are into making video games, maybe you could take her class some day.

13. 2nd to last question: Think about this one for a minute. What are the things that make school hard for you?  Example: Maybe you don't have a quiet place or time to do your homework.  Maybe you get stuck and don't feel like you can get help.  Maybe you are lazy and need to become more disciplined.  Answer truthfully.
14.  Okay, last question: What can you do to make school a positive meaningful experience?  How can you get the most out of school?

Be sure to email your questions and answers to

15. Bonus - ??? (read below)

You get ten points if you complete this assignment in a satisfactory way.  That means you copy the questions, type answers as complete sentences and provide the correct subject in the subject line.

Voluntary:  You get 10 more points if  you send this email to someone else in class.  To get credit: Type their first and last name and their email address.  This is how you do 15.  Bonus

This is a great time to see just what you recall from last year.
•  Make a business card. It can say whatever you like and can have any information but the dimensions must be correct.  Any body remember????  A business card is 3.5 x 2 inches.
• Make a short imovie.  You remember the routine:
Introduction, content and end.  text clips, images, sound and transitions.  Pic any theme you like.  If you need inspiration, call it.  My Summer Adventures.

See you Monday.
- Mr. Wrede